
End to End UX Design | Branding


Time Frame




Childcare centres are adopting technology and mobile apps faster than ever in order to have better communication with parents, highlighting the importance of effective communication between educators and parents to guide a child’s development, interests, growth, and health.However, there remains a good portion of childcare centres and educators that still experience difficulty using non-technological workflows or even existing digital childcare apps in market, resulting in inefficient communication with parents.

The problem

“It has been really hard to focus on one thing at work since I had to use our centre’s app while also keeping eyes on children”
Anna K | Educator
As someone that used to work in Early Childhood education, I met many educators who struggled to report daily progress in an efficient manner to parents on a daily basis. This inspired me to develop an app that improves communication and benefits both educators and parents. I firmly believed that there was an opportunity to enhance their workflows with the ultimate goal to foster a positive approach to the child’s growth and development.

The solution

Communication Based Mobile App
A daycare app which allows educators to easily update each child’s progress, while parents can stay up-to-date in real-time with their child’s daily routine and activities. The three main features I have created are focused on:
  • Reporting (To track children's daily activites and meals)
  • Messaging (To improve communication)
  • Community (To foster collaboration and belonging)



Age Group
years old
Conducted via
Zoom | In person
To begin with my project, I conducted interviews to gain more insight into different daycare apps that are currently being used in the daycare industry. I was able to interview both childcare educators and parents of children attending a daycare centre.

After the interviews I conducted, I was able to divide them into 4 categories (Benefits, Thoughts, Ideas, and Pain Points).
“Having a daycare app is not helping our workflow efficiently. In fact, it seems to be creating extra work.”
Jin | Educator
"Finding a suitable time to discuss my child with educators is challenging due to their busy schedules."
Anela | Parent
The key insights are :
  • Reliability : Educators experience frustration due to frequent errors in their current daycare app, highlighting the need for a stable and user-friendly interface.
  • Efficiency : The existing app’s complex navigation, involving multiple buttons and pages, detracts from educator-student interactions. Simplifying the user interface is essential.
  • Digitization: While there are frustrations with other apps and their designs, educators and parents do desire modern digital channels / platform to help them with their work & communication in real-time.

Competitive analysis

By focusing on key criteria for an objective assessment, I aimed to deeply understand the daycare app market, identify competitors, and strategically position my app for distinctiveness.

The key takeaways are :
  • Competitor apps often overwhelm educators with excessive features, reducing their effectiveness and usability.
  • Despite having well-structured features, competitor apps struggle with engaging parents and often encounter errors during use.
  • The analysis highlights the need for prioritizing communication and engagement features that foster a strong parent-teacher partnership.
Competitive Analysis

How might we?

How might we help both educators and parents enhance their communication about individual children in order to support each child’s development?

User persona

I created two user personas, as I am focusing on both educator and parent perspectives. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of their respective needs in order to design the best features to support each child's growth and development.
User Persona (Educator)
User Persona (Parent)

Feature set

Taking into account my user personas and the ideation exercise I undertook after receiving user feedback, I was able to prioritize the features that would be the most compelling and needed for my target users.

Information Archtecture

User flow

Since I decided to focus on enhancing communication through the app, I have identified several key features that are essential :
  • Message feature : Enables fast and easy communication between users, making it convenient for them to stay connected and exchange information.

  • Community feature : Allow users to share their experiences with others. Curriculum management keeps parents informed about their child's progress and helps to enhance communication with educators.
  • Daily report feature : Provides parents with real-time updates on their child’s daily routines, including check-in/out, bathroom, meals, nap time. This feature is also user-intuitive and easier for educators to use on a daily basis.

Message feature user-flow

Community page feature user-flow

Report feature user-flow

ui library


When I was deciding on the name of the brand, I wanted it to be simple, child-friendly, and most importantly fun. I came up with the idea of “peek-a-boo” from one of my favorite activities. I then designed it with colors from my color palette, and added a little bunny as a cute mascot.


Since creating my childcare app, I had to choose a font with a friendly look. While selecting the font, I considered factors such as the font shapes, legibility and overall appearance.

Color Palette

I chose Purple & Blue as they were the most loved colors by children during my observations while working in childcare. Using lighter shades of purple and blue creates a warm, friendly, cheerful emotional response which is what I want the app to convey to the user.
Components / Icons


When I began creating wireframes, I found myself stuck with all the features I wanted to include. I took a step back and reevaluated my goals. After a thoughtful process of determining what would be the most impactful to my target users (educators + parents), I was able to narrow down my focus to the following key pages which include :
  • Message Pages

  • Community Pages
  • Report Pages (Main Page)
After laying out the key pages, it allowed me to delve deeper into the flow that I wanted the user to follow.
Mid-Fidelity Wireframing
High-Fidelity Wireframing

Usability test

Age Group
years old
Conducted via
Zoom | In person
Research Goals :
  • Discover whether participants find the app useful for fostering more effective communication between users.
  • Identify any problems or potential errors that participants may encounter while using the app.
  • Observe how participants interact with icons and features that have been created.
The key takeaways are :
  • Participants mentioned that the icons throughout the platform were a bit small and they required larger buttons in order to click accurately.
  • Some participants noted that the main page is too plain and lacks impactful colors, which may make users feel bored.
  • Most participants felt that the "suggested replies" feature was hidden and suggested displaying it in an area where users can easily access.


Final Mockups


At first, the inspiration for Peek-a-boo was an enhanced app for educators and they were my main target persona. However, I quickly realized that I also needed to consider the perspective of my other personas - parents to make the app truly effective.

Throughout this design journey, I learned a lot from having focused and deep conversations with my users. There were many nuances to the features that one wouldn't be able to pick up on otherwise. This was especially important in creating features that helped to make the lives of users as simple as possible. A designer needs to account for the various scenarios in which a user would be using the app. Finally, I gained invaluable experience in designing my own brand from scratch - turning it into a child-friendly concept that can expand beyond a simple childcare app.